Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reading Blog

In order for me to keep track of the reading that you are doing outside of class, you will be required to keep a reading blog. This blog will be a weekly reflection of what you have read and what that experience was like.

Reading Blog Requirements

Your weekly reading blog must include the following:

• The page numbers that you read that week
(example: This week, I read pages 30-155 from Don Quixote.)

• A critique of the text(s) you have read over the course of the week
This must not simply be a summary; only summarize events or ideas from the book when necessary to clarify or support your criticisms of the work
You must not be vague or general about how you feel about the text(s) you have read
Explain specifically what you did or did not like about the reading and why

• A continuing reflection of yourself as a reader
You will analyze your skill as a reader on a weekly basis
This section of your blog entry will answer questions that you generate about how well you read, what texts are difficult or easy for you, and strategies you might employ in order to become a better reader

Although I do not require a specific length for your blog entries, I expect them to be both thoughtful and substantial in terms of content. If your work does not meet my high standard, it will be reflected in your grade.

You are required to post your reading blog every Friday. I will read the blogs and enter grades for them over the weekend. You will lose a third of the points for each day it is late. You will get a zero for your blog if you do not turn it in by Sunday each week. Because it is a reflection of what you have read during the entire week, you may not post your blog until Friday.